It’s not very often that we come to you, our users, asking for financial donations, yet here we are. We have fallen on some rough times here at the Ubuntu Studio project.
First of all, donations have dropped considerably. We understand the world financial climate has not been easy for any of us, and it has become harder for all of us to live. However, we do believe that if we all work together, we can help each other out.
Ubuntu Studio is given entirely free. Those that create it aren’t paid to do so; it is a completely volunteer project. It’s not perfect, but we do try to make it the easiest to use and lowest bar for entry operating system for creative individuals in the world. We do all of the research and configuration out of the box so you don’t have to. It should just work. At least, that’s what we strive for. It’s not always perfect, but for most people, it comes close.
With that, our two most active developers have been hit with some very hard times.
- In December, our project leader, Erich Eickmeyer, was laid off from his regular job due to no fault of his own. Erich’s family is having trouble staying afloat. His wife, Amy, is the volunteer lead of the Edubuntu project, which Erich helps out with as technical lead.
- In February, our lead developer, Len Ovens, had a major injury which caused medical issues.
With that, we ask if you could find it in your heart to donate some finances to the project to help support ongoing development, perhaps above and beyond what you would normally give for an open source project of this size. Even if you can’t, consider helping with donating enough for a tank of gas.
We have multiple ways to give, which are outlined below:
Donate using PayPal
Donations are Monthly or One-Time |
Donate using Liberapay Donations are Weekly, Monthly, or Annually |
Donate using Patreon |
We also earn commission from merchandise purchased from the Ubuntu Studio Marketplace.
We do hope that you find it in your heart to donate. Thank you very much.